Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Question 1

Organizations are tied to the environment by their location and resources to name a few. I like the example the book gives comparing living organisms to the ties organizations have to their environment. In a few of my business classes we studied location and the effects organizations have on the community such as employment and what they give back to the community. I like to compare the ties they have to ties we have to our planet. We haven’t been taking care of our planet, hence tomorrow is Earth day, we our experiences dramatic changes in temperature and extinction of species that our ecosystem needs to survive. This is just like an organization. Some organization have had to recently layoff employees which in turn slows down the economy of the community because the laid off worker can no longer purchase as many goods.

The relationship between San Jose State University and the city of San Jose is something I know little about. Once I think about it SJSU is a commuter college so the college gets a lot of out of town students attending. The university does promote economic means to the city. The ethical obligations SJSU has to its local community is to produce well educated individuals as well as recognized the connection between the city and the college and represent itself as such.


  1. SJSU is definitely a commuter campus- that is mainly the reason the University has an obligation to ensure there is adequate parking, transportation, and public transportation to accommodate the high volume of students traveling to and from school each day. I think this has definitely been an are where SJSU has had to make adjustments with the community to fix. For instance, there are several blocks surrounding the university where certain permits are required before one can park on that block. This is probably in response to a number of university students vehicles being parked in residential areas- leaving the actual resident without a place to park. The school had an obligation to those residents to fix the problem.

  2. Hi sjsueducatedfool,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and how you mentioned that SJSU is a commuter campus. I have classmates all over the bay area that commute just to take 12 units. However, I think that there should be special parking for the commuters that carpool in order to make more parking for other students. The parking at SJSU is absolutely horrible and I think that is one of the problems that we need to fix at our school. However, even with the hectic parking problem we have at school, I too believe that we have well educated individuals that will better our community and school.

  3. I thought your comparison of an organization to an environment to the earth was a great idea and fantastic comparison. Its true that if we treat out local community not good it will downhill and the organization may not be successful and may lay off, just like species in out environment are dying off.

    That is interesting what you studied in your business class about an organizations location and the effects that it has on the community on issues such as employment and what that may give back to the community.

    As for SJSU being a commuter school....very true. I think if it was not a commuter school then it may have more of an effect on the community, economically and maybe even getting more of the community into SJSU's sports and what not.

    have a good week,

  4. THe example with the layoffs and the effect on the communicate was very very well put and so right. It was very interesting and something I didnt realize and put that cocnept together. With school I agree schools promote the community and is what attracts people to an area for example like you said the outter town students that come here to visit and go to school here are exposed to the city and community which they probably only are because they are attending the school.

  5. I think it's interesting that you mentioned that SJSU is a commuter school and that really determines how it affects the environment around it. I think in recent years SJSU has become less of a commuter school and many more students now have the option of living in campus village. I think this change alone has had a huge positive affect on the city of San Jose. it seems like there are more students around at all times of the week and weekends and businesses and restaurants are starting to thrive a lot more because of it.
