Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cyberspace Friendships

I have to say that I have not made friendships exclusively in cyberspace. I just recently joined facebook because of the communications department. I have to say that it has put me in touch with a lot of my cousins from my father’s side of the family. We all lost touch when my parents divorced and I was 5 years old. I believe that I am still cautious with making friends exclusively in cyberspace. I guess I need that f2f relationship. My husband tells me that I read too much into a person’s body language and expressions, you know non-verbal behavior and that is something you don’t get out of the communication process in cyberspace.


  1. i enjoy cyberspace interactions but ain't nothing like the real thing. i'm enrolled in the ma program for library information science here at sjsu and the online medium is okay but if i had the choice i would be in a program that is on site. it is awkward to have "discussions" between students and instructors via computer. the given and take, the body language and non verbal communication are lost online. it takes a lot longer to "get to know" students in the absence of that type of communication.

    i rather enjoy facebook because it allows one to reconnect with family that is far away or old school friends but i have found it awkward to acquire "new friends" online. in the absence of f2f interaction it is virtually impossible to determine if people are being genuine about who they are. and in light of the many murders that have occurred as a result of meeting on craigslist, i think my caution is warrented.

  2. Hello,
    Facebook has also allowed me to connect with many people that I wouldn't have ever came into contact with. I think that is the good thing about cyberspace relationships, you are able to connect with a large number of people from many different places. Although face-to-face friendships are more meaningful, without cyberspace some of us would not have the oppurtunity to connect with friends and family residing in locations far away from us. I can't say that I have formed any friendships in cyberspace with strangers that I haven't known previously. I find it kind of creepy when someone that I don't know seeks me out and trys to be my friend, and I wouldn't feel comfortable opening up and sharing information with them.
