Friday, April 17, 2009

Concept that I liked

One of the concepts that I found interesting were the rules for disclosing. I never realized that there were rules to follow but after I read them they made sense. According to Townsend (2008) these are the rules for disclosure, “self disclosure is not appropriate in all relationships, consider the effect your disclosure will have on others, choose the right time and place for your disclosure, disclosures should also be related to what is happening in the here and now, disclosures should be gradual, and disclosures should be reciprocal” (p. 161- 162). The first rule is somewhat common sense. I wouldn’t tell my co-worker about an argument that I had with my mother but I would tell my husband. Sometimes however people just blab out personal information about themselves at the inappropriate time with people they know little about. Many of us have the common sense not to do this and we have the tools through education to guide us in our own communication with others. All of these rules will help increase relational skills and should be made easily accessible.

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