Friday, March 6, 2009

Gender Differences in Language

I do agree that men and women use language differently. In most areas of communication the gender difference in communication has to do with the usage of language. The text gave some great examples of how we communicate differently and I have to say I have experienced these examples in my life too many times. Trenholm (2008) states, “women specialize in relationally oriented talk, whereas men specialize in task-oriented talk” (p. 91). I have been in a relationship for 15 years and I really see how the communication process between females and males is different. Just like the example given between Maria and Tom, that was our communication style in the beginning but over the years we have learned how to communicate more effectively. We actually set aside time to have long evolved detailed talks so he doesn’t feel like I am giving him the third degree. There is one thing I also have to comment on and that is the example of the men not wanting to ask for directions and the woman does. I have been in this situation so many times with my husband. I finally get it and by the way the GPS system I bought him for Christmas will probably help us a lot in this situation.

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