Friday, May 1, 2009

Q3 Need Gratification

I found the concept of need gratification interesting. The research that has been done regarding this topic is now being used “to understand how consumers use the Internet and cell phones” (Trenholm, 2008, p. 310). The earliest study mentioned was by Herta Herzog on why women listen to radio soap operas. The outcome surprised me; I didn’t consider that the listeners used the soap opera for emotional release or advice on how to deal with their own problems. The channel of communication is radio not television which makes a difference. It does kind of disturb me that these women would use the soap operas for advice. I have watched soap operas and I would not use what I see as advice. Women poison their husbands, there is usually someone black mailing someone, and someone is pregnant but not buy their husband. I don’t know if the soap operas that were listened too on the radio were like the ones we see today on television but I sure wouldn’t use them for advice.

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